how does antonio respond when prospero accuses him

. answer choices Antonio says nothing. 3. Which group of words best captures the meaning of the Latin root -val-? He even states that "to call [Antonio] brother would even infect [his] mouth," which is hardly an expression of forgiveness; but, in a strange paradox of sentiment, he completes his sentence with the words "I do forgive thy rankest fault," turning an insult and a threat into some approximation of absolution (130-2). In The Tempest, Act III, Scene ii, Caliban, Stephano, and Trinculo discuss their plans. He learns to forgive old injuries and to put the past behind him. Ariel is present with him. What is a person entitled to as a result of succession? Which would you most likely find in a thesaurus entry of synonyms for valiant? . Prospero's relinquishing of his magic is coincident with the disclosure of his methods and devices; his magic is spoiled, just like any kind of magic, when the boatswain comes forth and tells of the strange fate of the ship, complete with some remarkably vivid sound imagery. In Act II of The Tempest, why does Caliban hide under his cloak when Trinculo appears? A lengthy speech by on character delivered to other characters on stage. . Allegorically, the game of chess often represented political conflict over a prize, and here, the stakes are the realm that Miranda and Ferdinand will inherit. He means that Miranda has harmed him because she has shown him there is a wider world beyond his reach. makes my labors pleasures. . But release me from my bands Anxious to be free from Prospero's service, Ariel nonetheless fulfills his commands willingly and with inspiration. Or sent to Naples. 200. Let me not, In Act III of The Tempest, how does Alonso react when Ariel accusation accuses him of wrongdoing against Prospero? Avoid! But release me from my bands . . In a gesture of reconciliation, Prospero embraces Alonso, who is filled with remorse and immediately gives up Prospero's dukedom. Sycorax, the witch whom Prospero takes every opportunity to disparage but whom he resembles in his use of force, manipulative use of his magic, and past history, is actually based upon Ovid's portrayal of Medea; and, the relation between Prospero and Sycorax/Medea becomes more apparent in Prospero's speech, based upon the words of Medea. Which best describes a dark and violent theme Shakespeare introduces in Act I of The Tempest? I cried to dream again (What does this set mean?). If I can recover him and keep him tame, I will not take too much for him. Which of the following is the best example of treacherous behavior? . answer choices he says nothing he confesses his guilt he asks that Prospero forgives him he insists that Prospero is mistaken Question 10 30 seconds Q. The audience of the play, he says, are the ones who hold the power over his fate, and must finally forgive him for his deeds; a larger world surrounding the play is revealed, with the audience recreating the role of the author, which Prospero himself recreates, in turn, from within the play. Melting the darkness, so their rising senses the fact that Prospero asks the audience to release him. [To the others] Please you, draw near. In Act V of The Tempest, Prospero tells Antonio and Sebastian that he "will tell no tales" about their plot to murder Alonso. Prospero makes a rather strange claim in this act, that is brought up nowhere else in the play; he echoes Medea's claim in the Metamorphoses that he can call up dead men from their graves, which seems to be included merely to further identify Prospero with the figure of Medea. A brave vessel / . Advanced Animal Science Lesson 3.2 Animal Beh, The Language of Composition: Reading, Writing, Rhetoric, Lawrence Scanlon, Renee H. Shea, Robin Dissin Aufses. Prospero's relationship with Caliban differs from that of Prospero and Ariel's. Prospero does not view Caliban as a being who could be his equal. to find out whether Ferdinand truly loves Miranda. All of the sentence below contain a word formed with the prefixes circum-, peri-, semi-, or hemi-. What happens when Stephano and Trinculo approach Prosperos cell in Act IV of The Tempest? How does Antonio respond when Prospero accuses him in Act V of The Tempest? Be free, and fare thou well! In Act V of The Tempest, Prospero tells Antonio and Sebastian that he will tell no tales about their plot to murder Alonso. English for a classmate. To cabin! . a few seconds ago. For each of the following sentences, choose the correct word or word group in parentheses. . Prospero: I'll deliver all; to celebrate and bless Ferdinand and Mirandas love and upcoming marriage. Which of the following pairs of words, taken from lines from Act V of The Tempest, is an example of a full rhyme? \end{array} \\ The main plot of The Tempest involves Prosperos determination to exact revenge from Alonso, Antonio, and Sebastian. The "curfew" that Prospero mentions in the same speech marked the beginning of the time of night when spirits were believed to walk abroad, and fairies and other creatures were believed to cause their mischief then. What did Prospero do for Caliban when he first came to the island? Part A: Read the following excerpt from Act I of The Tempest. In Act II of The Tempest, how does Antonio persuade Sebastian that if they kill Alonso, Sebastian can become King of Naples? And sail so expeditious that shall catch But he remains unseen and, like the deep voice and the banquet, even this scene is illusionary. What news does the Boatswain bring when he appears before Prospero in Act V? Character Analysis Antonio. Stephano speaks in prose. Best Answer. As the story of The Tempest comes to its resolution in Act V, which of these major characters seems most likely to feel sorrow at the way things work out? Part A: kind and compassionatePart B: Miranda. This guide includes a detailed synopsis and suggested teaching activities for before, during, and after reading the play. Let me not, . 200. . High-ranking/ aristocrats speak using blank verses. The rhymes help characterize Ariel as lively and light-hearted. 1. myPerspectives: English Language Arts, Grade 7, myPerspectives, English Language Arts, Grade 8, myPerspectives: English Language Arts, California (Grade 9, Volume 1). I must be here confined by you, How does Antonio respond when Prospero accuses him in Act V of The Tempest? In Act V of The Tempest, Ariel sings a song in short rhymed couplets. In this bare island by your spell; What does Alonso immediately resign when he sees Prospero? But release me from my bands A subplot of the play is Ariel's plea for "lib-erty."30 Prospero responds to this plea by accusing Ariel of lying and threatening to "rend an oak/ And peg thee in his knotty entrails" before agreeing to free Ariel in two days.31 At the end of the play, Ariel, after performing their tasks "bravely," is freed by Prospero.32 Ariel . Let me not, [A noise of hunters heard. marriage with Miranda. . a. from The New York Times: It had br Given this information and your knowledge of Latin prefixes, which is the likeliest meaning of suppress? Please quote line 422 so I know where you are meaning. Part B . Silence! As the story of The Tempest comes to its resolution in Act V, which of these major characters seems most likely to feel sorrow at the way things work out? [Aside to Ariel] My Ariel, chick, That is thy charge. I will plague them all,Even to roaring.Which best explains the way Shakespeare uses this soliloquy as part of the dramatic structure of Act IV? You can combine the use of context clues with your knowledge of this prefix to make intelligent guesses about the meanings of words. . He realizes that Stephano is a drunken fool. Part A: The evil characters are forgiven for the wrongs they have done.Part B: Prospero pardons Alonso and the others for conspiring to drive him out of Milan. Which best explains the meaning of what Prospero says in this speech? Part A: He learns to forgive old injuries and to put the past behind him.Part B: Prospero. Then to the elements I must be here confined by you, a few seconds ago. Epilogue Use your authority. Here have I few attendants / And subjects none abroad. Now, tis true, I must be here confined by you, Or sent to Naples. Out of our way, I say.Which feature of a Shakespearean romance is best illustrated by this excerpt?Part B: Which words from the lines from the play best support the answer to Part A? your teacher. Begin to chase the ignorant fumes that mantle Which is the most likely meaning of opportune in the following sentence? the fact that Prospero addresses the audience directly. The blank verse sounds more like natural English speech than the rhymed couplets. Read the following excerpt from the epilogue found in Act V of The Tempest: Part A: Prospero: Our revels now are ended. I must be here confined by you, The aside allows Prospero to share something with the audience that he withholds from Ferdinand and Miranda. An increase in prices and a decline in the value of Roman money created. . Epilogue Prospero: Now my charms are all oerthrown, And what strength I haves mine own, Which is most faint. Base your answer on the meaning of valiant as it is used in Act III of The Tempest. Given your knowledge of suffixes, choose the word that means full of contempt.. To arrange a marriage between Ferdinand and Miranda. A recurring theme, subject or idea (this helps reveal the theme). . How does Antonio respond when Prospero accuses him in Act V of The Tempest? All new items; Books; Journal articles; Manuscripts; Topics. He is blinded by his prejudice against Caliban's appearance and manners. Given your knowledge of the Latin root -pen-, what is the most likely reason a person would be sent to a penitentiary? \text { Downfall } Ariel believes he can rely on Prosperos sense of justice. 1. Prospero, perhaps unwillingly, also says that he forgives Antonio and Sebastian, though he calls them "wicked" and expresses his reservations about letting them off the hook. He agrees to let them get married. The final stressed syllables sound the same. Then wisely, good sir, weigh Our sorrow with our comfort.Alonso: Prithee, peace.Sebastian: [Aside to Antonio] He receives comfort like cold porridge.Antonio: [Aside to Sebastian] The visitor will not give him oer so.Sebastian: Look, hes winding up the watch of his wit; by and by it will strike.What impression do Antonio and Sebastian make on the audience through their diction in this scene? In a sense, Walkers life as a writer has been devoted to preserving a proximate past in the form of its language (or, as will be seen, languages). In Act V of The Tempest, to which of the ship's passengers does Prospero show the greatest kindness, and why? Alonso and the others begin to awaken and shake off the spell Prospero cast on them. As Prospero's younger brother, Antonio is motivated by envy and by a desire to create trouble. 1. rule of the island2. Give any two examples of the heightened language. As for Miranda, her famous exclamation of "o brave new world that has such people in't" can hardly be taken at its cheery face value, when Miranda's knowledge and the context around the statement are considered (183-4). Which describes one key aspect of Ariel's character as Shakespeare presents him in Act V of The Tempest? 1 See answer Advertisement Brainly User Hello, I hope you are having a great day What does Caliban most likely mean when he tells Miranda, You taught me language, and my profit ont / Is, I know how to curse? . Which best explains the meaning of what Prospero says in this speech? What agreement does Prospero make with Miranda and Ferdinand at the start of Act IV of The Tempest? And sail so expeditious that shall catch But release me from my bands Prospero: I'll deliver all; Ill bring theeTo clustring filberts, and sometimes Ill get theeYoung scamels from the rock. What realization does Caliban come to by the end of Act V of The Tempest? Tempest Act 5 DRAFT. The blank verse sounds more like natural English speech than the rhymed couplets. Epilogue Prospero tells her that Antonio and Alonso had refrained from killing them because they were afraid of the reaction of the Milanese people, who had always loved him. Welcome, sir; / This cells my court. He lured them into a pool of dirty water and left them there helpless. His previously conciliatory tone turns threatening, as he says he could "justify them traitors" if he wished to do so (V.i.128). These papers were written primarily by students and provide critical analysis of The Tempest. [Enter Alonso, Sebastian, Antonio, Ferdinand, Gonzalo, and others. A person works hard at the task until it is completed. Which of the following best describes a person who feels penitent? Why do you suppose her thesis is never explicitly stated? Which of the following best describes the effect of Shakespeare's choice to write the song in rhymed couplets? The rhymes help characterize Ariel as lively and light-hearted. Prospero as Playwright, Prospero as Shakespeare, Similarities Between Principal Characters in Shakespeare's The Tempest, A Post-Colonial Interpretation of The Tempest, The Fierce and Mighty Sea; The Dramatic Function of the Powerful and Ever Present Ocean in The Tempest, The Sensitive Beast: Shakespeare's Presentation of Caliban. But I prattle / Something too wildly, and my fathers precepts / I therein do forget. [Exit all.] Prospero's first words suggest an alchemic metaphor; the words "gather to a head" denote things coming to a climax, but also liquid coming to a boil, and Prospero's "project" is a kind of scientific experiment as well. . . But then Prospero seized the island from Caliban, made Caliban his slave, and now keeps him trapped on the worst parts of the land. Which of the following pairs of words, taken from lines from Act V of The Tempest, is an example of a full rhyme? How does Antonio respond when Prospero accuses him in Act V? Anne Hathaway. First, write a formal definition for It reminds the audience that Alonso is the highest-ranking character in the group. He is also rather savage in devising his plot to kill Prospero (though no more savage than Prospero is in setting the hounds upon him). when a character is alone on stage preforms a lengthy speech to express their thoughts or feelings. He asked them riddles and laughed at them when they could not answer. . Answer By project', Prospero means his plan of dealing with his enemies. How would you advise the student to revise those areas? by sapna567. When Prospero and Miranda were first cast away, who helped them and how? [To the Spirits] Well done! Study now. Which best explains the meaning of what Prospero says in this speech? Caliban cried because he wanted to dream of it again after he woke up. . In Act II, Scene i, of The Tempest, Antonio says to Sebastian, O, that you bore the mind that I do! Which describes the difference in mind, or personality, between the two characters as they appear in this scene? Example: A horse, a horse, my kingdom for a horse. English. Given Prospero's words and actions throughout Act V, which is the most reasonable inference about why he decides to keep silent? . Which of the following pairs of words, taken from lines from Act V of The Tempest, is an example of a full rhyme? Gonzalo, because he gave Prospero and Miranda supplies when they were exiled. As The Tempest comes to an end in Act V, which best describes the resolution of the story for those characters who have planned and/or carried out evil deeds? : As The Tempest comes to an end in Act V, which best describes the resolution of the story for those characters who have planned and/or carried out evil deeds? What does Prospero do to punish Trinculo, Stephano, and Caliban at the end of Act IV of The Tempest? ]Alonso: Good boatswain, have care. . Does Prospero forgive Sebastian? 2. Prospero, with his somewhat sinister studies in magic and strange powers, is a figure reminiscent of an alchemist as well, though his experiments are more involved with human nature than metallurgy. Those being all my study, The government I cast upon my brother. . 200. What does it mean to usurp a leadership position? 1. To achieve revenge against his brother Antonio3. 30 terms. a. Antonio says nothing. The rhymes help characterize Ariel as lively and light-hearted. [Exit all.] Your royal fleet far off. 0% average accuracy. 7th - 10th grade. Later, the King of Naples helped Antonio raise an army to march on Milan, driving Prospero out. He pretended to sympathize with and join in their scheme to kill Prospero. Read the following exchange of dialogue from Act II of The Tempest.Gonzalo: But the rarity of it iswhich is indeed almost beyond creditSebastian: As many vouched rarities are.Gonzalo: That our garments, being, as they were, drenched in the sea, hold, notwithstanding, their freshness and glosses, being rather new-dyed than stained with salt water.Antonio: If but one of his pockets could speak, would it not say he lies?Sebastian: Ay, or very falsely pocket up his report.Which best describes the effect of Shakespeares choice to have these aristocratic characters speak in prose instead of in blank verse? [Exit all.] Syntax; Advanced Search; New. Part A: The monologue reminds the audience that the story they are watching isnt real.Part B: Prospero refers several times in the monologue to dreams, visions, and impermanence.

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